There and Back

This time last week I was just getting back from packing up my apartment in North Carolina.  My mom and I drove from Tulsa to Winston-Salem so we could finally pack everything up.  I’ve been living in Tulsa since December on medical leave from grad school, but I just recently made the decision that I am definitely going to stay in Tulsa.  It was such a strange feeling boxing everything up, and even though I wasn’t in Winston-Salem for very long there were so many memories; lots of old feelings and emotions.  It was a pretty hard couple of days.  It was definitely a time of remembering the things that I had wanted so badly when I graduated college, and the decisions I made that got me to North Carolina.  However, it was also a time of reflection about how much I have changed, and how greatly my life has changed since that time.  My mom and I both came to the same conclusion – that even though life is so much more “up in the air” it is also so much better.  The path God has me on is often confusing, often challenging, and often leaves me thinking “WHAT?! How did I get here?” but I have been blessed beyond anything I could have imagined.  This is better.  I may not have it all figured out – but I’m happy.  This may not fit into my perfect plan – but it’s left me more content and peaceful than I have been before.  I would never have believed I’d find myself back in Tulsa – ever.  Yet, here I am, and it’s exactly where I need to be.


Filed under My Life

2 responses to “There and Back

  1. Susan

    I thought this would be a Hobbit’s Tale!


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