Monthly Archives: April 2010

happy things

Things I’m happy for this week.

-The things I learned at the Beth Moore simulcast.  Greatly looking forward to reading her newest book about insecurity.  Very very thought provoking I’m sure I’ll be writing more about it eventually.

-Mayday Parade with my brothers on Friday!

-Reading the new books I got! {Blessed Child}

-That the 28th is the last day of classes at Wake Forest and my semester off is officially over.  I’m not sure if I’m excited about that but it’s definitely something…

-Finishing up my online classes

-getting more of my film developed from my Diana camera

-having dinner with several wonderful friends during the week.  I’m looking forward to each and every one of them very much!!

-and hopefully writing out a few of things that are on my heart.  Mostly because it’s just helpful for me to see things written out. It requires me to think through what’s on my heart critically and thoroughly enough to be able to write something (at least seemingly) coherent. I’m always surprised how much I learn by just writing my thoughts down.

-I think someday I’m going to have a very eclectic set of dishes because I just love all the different unique ones.  Especially cups.  I find them all over the place and I don’t think I could ever/or would ever one to pick just one set.

-excited to just enjoy another week.

Lately I’ve been loving this Ladies photography.  So creative and talented!! Stephanie Fay Photography

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Standing in the Rain

Rain is such a beautiful thing.

Grace like rain. Holy Spirit rain down.  Word of God speak; let it pour down like Rain.

Rain over me.

I love the idea of rain.  Rain falls in excess.  It falls on me and around me.  It covers every inch of my skin.  There is no escape from rain.  It saturates everything.  It cleanses and restores.  Rain is a beautiful thing.  The idea of God’s love and grace falling and surrounding me like rain is an incredibly peaceful and beautiful feeling.  It is love that encompasses not just me but the ground around me.  It falls down in excess.  There is not a shortage of love or grace or mercy.  It is everywhere, it is all encompassing.  It brings life.  It refreshes the soul.  It renews everything it touches.

I just want to enjoy the rain.

I want to allow the rain to wash over me.  To cleanse me.  To surrender to the rain.  To surrender all that I am to the downpour of the Lord’s everlasting, unconditional love.

I need grace every day.  All the time.  It is by grace I accomplish anything.

It is grace that allows me balance.

It is spending time in the rain everyday that allows me to get anything done with my day.  It is spending time in the rain in between the requirements of my busy schedule that allows me to accomplish.  In between tasks taking an aside with God allows me to continue on refreshed and restored and ready to begin again.  I get more done when I stop and spend time relaxing and soaking up the rain than when I move forward without it.  When I don’t stop my life turns dry, thins, and becomes bitter and tiring. I need the rain.  I need it desperately.  I need to fill my soul.


This is my grace.   This is my lifeline.  This is my ability to accomplish.  Everything for the Good. God provides this everyday.  How often do I ignore it, or attempt to handle it on my own.  Life requires rain.  How easily I forget and how easily I fall. How easily I wither. I need rain.

Thank you Father for the rain.

The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you are spirit, and they are life. John 6:63

There is one body, and one Spirit, even as also you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all, and through all, and in all. Ephesians 4:4-6

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This has been the song on my heart lately. I just wanted to share. It’s been a wonderful weekend and I’m excited for the week ahead!

I see the king of glory

Coming on the clouds with fire
The whole earth shakes
The whole earth shakes

I see his love and mercy
Washing over all our sin
The people sing
The people sing

Hosanna in the highest

I see a generation
Rising up to take their place
With selfless faith
With selfless faith

I see a near revival
Stirring as we pray and seek
We’re on our knees
We’re on our knees


Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me

Break my heart from what breaks yours
Everything I am for your kingdoms cause
As I go from nothing to Eternity

Hosanna in the highest

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Looking Back

Today I drove down to Gilmer, TX with my mother to attend a Liberating the Bruised conference.  This is a ministry my mother is very passionate about, and I’m looking forward to learning more about it.  I’ve been to a conference before, but its been awhile so I’m excited to see what I learn this week.

On the drive down I was I spent some time thinking back over the past 4 or 5 years and I was shocked and humbled to see the way that God has been providing for me.  Looking back at my life it seemed to be enfolded in love.  It was not something I could have seen then, but looking back I see how God loved me and cared for my life.  My life was loved.  My life is loved.  Times of confusion, frustration, and hurt were surrounded by the love and guidance of Jesus.  I feel so blessed to be so loved.  This is a concept I was supposed to know all along. You learn in sunday school that God loves and provides for you; but this is one of the first times I feel that I have really seen this promise in action, really felt it to a point that I feel changed by it.

I needed to see this, I needed to understand this.  I have no idea what is going on in my life right now, but I know how deeply loved I am, and I know that God’s plan and God’s timing are better than mine.  I think my faith grows a little more everyday as I learn to let go of my will and trust in the Lord.  It’s become a conscious daily decision to trust that what is happening in my life is bigger than I can understand, bigger than what I can see.  I am thankful for that.

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